Friday, September 12, 2008

OhAh and other strange language

Asher has expanded his language a lot in the last month or so. He has turned two and decided he does like to talk. He is actually stringing several words together to form cohesive sentences. It's fairly easy to understand as long as you are in the know on his use of the phrase 'ohah'.

As in... "Let's go to Nanaohahs." "Nanaoah, give me cookieoah." "Gabey's is thereohah." Get it. Ohah. By the way, "What's that noiseoah" is one of his favorites.

I just like to hear him speak in his little deep voice. It's like he's purposely lowering his voice to speak like a boy. A very deep sounding boy. And now we get a peek inside his little mind. How he see's the world. Asher notices everything and adores his brother. I adore Asher!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nana's Unite Everywhere

I've always believed in the power and wisdom of the aged teaching the younger. In the aftermath of September 11th, that belief has been made even stronger. We Nana's, Grandma's, Granny's, Mimi's, and Nona's have much to offer our children, grandchildren, and any young person we encounter in our daily path.

The world is truly a scary place. There are terrorists who wish to harm our people in our own land. Our children hear this every day if any type of media is within their hearing. There are pedofiles and predators who would like to abuse our children. We are forced to try and warn our young of these types of human beings. Often, to children who should not have to try and understand such evil when their minds and hearts are so much innocent.

I say we caretakers of the young should unite! Your child is my child and my child is yours. To all those who would harm them in any fashion- be warned! There is nothing fiercer than a Nana protecting their young!

NanaGG's place!

This is it, mom!